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How to Close a Deal in 6 Lessons


You are a professional who knows the product or the service you are looking to share and sell to somebody else: your client. You don't share a passion. You share some knowledge, with professionalism. That means that you don't have to become friendly with your client. Never forget that he is not your friend, neither are you. He is a buyer of what you offer. You want him to like you but you don't want to like him as much. You don't need to sell anything during a sales meeting because your offer is good and strong enough.


This is the most important tip I want to give you here.

When you are with a client, either on the phone or during a face to face meeting, you should never drop your guards nor forget what you're doing. Keep one goal in mind: close the deal today - not tomorrow, not next week, but today. Many salespeople make this mistake: they are passionate about their product, their industry, and they want to share that passion with everybody. This is good. I mean, there is nothing wrong to be passionate about something you like and care a lot about. But this could also be very dangerous when you meet a client. You must be in your client's shoes when you speak to him/her. While you speak, you must ask yourself if what you're saying is clear and understood.


A closer does not act with passion, he does not share his feelings, he only shares facts and figures. He remains polite but he does not become over friendly. In fact, some of the best closers are simply not friendly at all. They stay calm whatever happens. They don't overreact. They don't lose their focus. The best way to close a sale is to act as a professional closer, not as yourself.


When you have the chance to meet with a client, use it to close, not to talk. If the client takes the time to meet you, he is definitely interested in what you have to offer. He is not only interested. He wants it!

Let's say this is the only chance you will ever have to close a deal with one client. Let's say there is no room for you for leaving the meeting without a signature nor a cheque. That's the way you should always think. There is no room for leaving the meeting without a commitment from the person in front of you.

Remember lesson number 1: you are not a sales person. You are a closer. You don't leave a meeting without a sealed deal.

Every second counts. Not only you must leave your client with a great final impression, you must also close him.

Make short sentences. Simplify every explanation. Be clear, and also confident. You are confident. You know more about what you do than anybody else, so why prove it?

Make sure you are being listened to. Ask questions. Build your own objections and help your clients ask you questions. A sales meeting is not a monologue. You must cease your clients' objections in order to shape your speech/presentation the right way.


Don't even try to ask for a signature until you have seized and answered all your client's objections. You only have one chance to get a client's signature. By "asking" twice, you will much sound like a salesperson, and you will also not respect the lesson number 1.

Profiling your client takes time and that is your job. You must understand his interests, fears and anticipate his questions. Your clients will feel at ease when they understand you are able to answer all their questions.


Once there is no more room for interrogation nor hesitation, seize that very moment to close your sale. You should be able to proceed with the final paperwork right after your presentation, and the close would be part of your presentation, as if it would be now a non-event.

Don't forget that if you do everything right and don't close the sale, then you were still not successful. A good marketing strategy will allow you to fail sometimes, by providing you with a bigger pool of leads and more chances to win new contracts.

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