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Make it Simple and Your Brand Will Stand Out

There are many ways you can distinguish your business from your competition, but the number 1 rule is: MAKE IT SIMPLE.

You need to stick with this rule in order to remain one of the well-known leaders in your field/industry. Let's see why it's so important to MAKE IT SIMPLE.

Your ideas must be made simple for everyone: your clients, your suppliers, and most of all for the people who work with you. You need to be able to explain in less than 20 seconds what you DO, what you OFFER and WHO is your target. Try this exercise as many times as it will take you, it is worth it.

You must be able to simplify your offer to anyone who asks about it. Ideally, a 5-year old kid must understand what you offer. People do not have time to investigate anymore. Internet has reduced the amount of time we have in our daily lifes to make decisions. Yes we still shop around, but people will pick the clearest, simpliest and most straightforward brands when they purchase a new good or a new service.

Have a look at these companies and see how they make things simple for everyone:

HARRY'S, they sell razors

SQUARE, a point-of-sale solution

COIN, all your cards in one

In 2014, you cannot allow to waste people's time by having them searching for information about you. You must be concise, clear, straighforward and simple.

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